
Dear readers. You’ve been following Jennifer’s story, here and here. You’ve rallied with gifts and notes and advice on the best tools for this budding graphic concept artist.

I thought we’d be doing really well if we raised $300 for her.

Today the count totalled just over $10,000. Most of that was donations of $5-15–individuals giving what they could, writing notes of encouragement and sending it on to Jennifer with love and goodwill. And then we got a couple very generous gifts from extraordinarily kind individuals, one of whom wants us to start a trust scholarship fund for Jennifer’s college tuition.

We’re still working out the details, but we’re hoping to find a church that will manage the fund for her and use the funds (less $1,800 designated specifically for her laptop and a portion of that earmarked for replacing her lost clothing) for her college tuition. Once that’s established, I’ll let you know so that if you still want to donate, you can send it directly to the scholarship fund at the church that we end up working with.

I cannot tell you how amazed Jennifer and her sister are at your overwhelming kindness. It means so much to discover that regular people like and care about you for you–and you all have really made that tangible with your generosity.

So, on behalf of Jennifer: thank you.

10 thoughts on “Stunned

  1. I am amazed and honored to be a very small part of this outpouring of good will and kindness. I am continuing to pray for Jennifer and her family as well. Thank you for keeping the story updated particularly with such encouraging news!

    1. Just wanted to point out that not everyone who donated is a christian. I’m a former evangelical who has completed rejected christianity. I gave because I’ve experienced abuse too, and I want Jennifer to have a life of freedom.

      1. Thanks for the clarification and my apologies for using language that assumed all who donated identity as Christians. I should have used “community” instead of the Christian-specific version—”Church.”

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