Hännah 101

I’ve been at this blogging thing for a while, and I keep forgetting that when you get new followers, sometimes they have a hard time finding a quick recap on what they’ve missed when you’ve got months and months of archives!

Welcome to my blog, folks, and here’s a little bit about me that you may find through reading old posts or my Twitter, but not what you’d find on my about page.

  1. I have an orange cat named Penny, and she thinks she’s the queen of the universe. I got her from Ken Cuccinelli. True story.
    Penny in 2011
    Penny now


  2. I’m an INFJ.
  3. I’m the oldest of nine kids, and I was homeschooled K-12.

    visiting home usually involves a lot of birthday cake
  4. I was born in California, moved to Virginia when I was 12 (we moved to join a cult), and I moved back to California last fall.

    at the end of the drive home
    at the end of the drive home
  5. I did the courtship thing and got married, but he ended things right before our second anniversary.
  6. Being an English major and my love of reading made me a feminist.

    once upon sophomore year
    once upon sophomore year
  7. I like to bake. And cook. And I like good company and good food. And coffee.

    this is my definition of sanity
  8. I do a lot of things for fun and for work, but most of them involve books or art. I’m for hire as an editor, marketer, or development whiz kid.

    the writing life
  9. But what I really, really want to do is be a literary agent. Or just live in France and write novels.
  10. You can find me on Twitter and on Instagram! I like to talk about how much I love coffee and cheese sticks, and sometimes I tell stories about awkward social interactions. Most of the awkward may or may not be my fault. Usually I just yell at the patriarchy and link to things I find interesting.

Any other questions? What else do you want to know? I’m so happy you’re here and reading!

If you’re new or have been lurking for a while, I’d love to get to know you a bit better. Introduce yourself in the comments and tell me about your favorite book!


i remember learning to use a coffee maker for the first time
in oakland, when the sunrise was molten on the edges of the hills
and turned the kitchen floor into sun-puddles
and bacon was a special breakfast
my grandmother let me stand on tip-toe and pour the water in
it was cold through the glass of the carafe
and she smelled of unscented hand lotion as she reached around me
to program the brew.
i would marvel at the bacon snapping in its own juices
and at the burbling of the coffee maker
while we talked.

i remember learning that if my dad was grinding beans
for a second cup of coffee before he left for work
i could stand in the kitchen and tell him just about anything
and he would listen
until the timer went off and he pressed down the filter.
he would kiss my head when he walked out the door.
if he offered me a sip, i would taste the smell of it all day long.
it was his smell, sharp and warm,

i can’t decide if i drink coffee just to keep
tenderness and pictures like these close at hand
weapons against defeat and adulthood
or if i keep drinking it down, waiting to find
at the bottom of this cup
a friend
someone who smells like coffee too
who will talk in silence
and watch the light with me.