I need a break. I want to do a fun post. Everything in my life has been so decidedly intense for so long, and my blog is not at all what I expected it would be this year (though so excited for all the neat things that have happened on these surprise detours). So, here’s some silliness.
I’ve been modeling a little, for a DC-based scarf designer (Jennifer Lawrence bought one of her scarves!), and for a painter. It’s been a lot of fun–I got to work with a really fantastic makeup artist, and a new-to-humans-but-super-talented photographer.
This month, I studied for and took the GRE. Predictably, my math scores were lousy, and my verbal and essay scores were great. And I’ve picked out which schools I want to apply to! In other news, I think I have math dyslexia.

To recover from the GRE, I have been watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Former homeschoolers have a lot of 90s pop culture to catch up on.

I read a lot of Mary Karr, too. That woman is so good for my soul.

I made SEVEN pies for my mom’s [redacted] birthday celebration, and went clubbing with other former homeschoolers/fundies in Richmond for my sister’s 21st.

I got to meet up with Kassie! And see ballet IN the National Gallery!
And I even tried my hand at art journaling for Story 201.

Housekeeping notes:
Money is tight now that I’m not living with family/friends and out on my own, so I added a tip jar PayPal button on the side–if you like what you read, let me know!
I’m also available for hire for freelance editing, resume prep coaching, and copywriting. Let me know if I can be of service! Here’s my resume.
And now, I’m probably going to watch more Buffy. Or Orange Is The New Black.